Homeopathic beer: a simple test of homeopathy’s absurd claims

Homeopathy is a very popular “alternative” to conventional medicine. Unfortunately, not only is there no evidence that it works, but it flies in the face of basic science and common sense. It is based on three central tenants:vial of homeopathic medicine

  1. Like cures like
  2. Diluting something makes it stronger
  3. Water has memory

If any one of these assumptions is incorrect then homeopathy cannot work. The first premise is downright absurd and has no scientific basis, so I’m not going to deal with it here. Rather, I am going to explain a simple and safe way that you can personally test the last two premises of homeopathy so that you can prove to yourself that it is nothing but a scam.

Homeopathic treatments are made using serial dilutions. Usually, this is done in either steps of 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 (i.e., at each step you dilute 1 part active ingredient in 9 or 99 parts inactive ingredient, usually water). For example, you might take 1 milliliter (ml) of the active ingredient and add it with 9 ml of water. Then, you mix that solution, remove 1 ml of it, and mix that 1 ml with another 9 ml of water. You repeat this procedure over and over again. Common sense tells us that things become weaker as they become more diluted (this is why you have to dilute many cleaning products to avoid damaging your clothes, furniture, etc.), but homeopaths disagree. They argue that the “essential essence” of the active ingredient (whatever that means) becomes increasingly strong with each dilution. Therefore, their most “powerful” treatments are the ones that are extremely diluted. In fact, they are so diluted that there is no active ingredient left at all, which brings up the last premise: water has memory. In between each dilution you have to “success” the fluid. Homeopaths don’t all seem to agree about how to do this, but basically, you shake the vial a certain way or tap it against an elastic surface and somehow this is suppose to make the healing essence of the active ingredient magically leave the ingredient and get trapped (memorized) by the water.

If all of that sounded utterly ridiculous, good, it should have, but in case you’re not convinced here is a simple way that you can prove to yourself that this doesn’t work. Simply make some homeopathic beer. First, take one cup of beer and mix it with 10 cups of water. Pick and use your favorite method of successing the fluid, then pour one cup of that mixture into 10 cups of water and success it again. Dilute and success it a total of four times (note: homeopathic “remedies” typically involve at least 30 dilutions, so if you want to be really realistic, keep diluting it, but four dilutions is more than enough to prove my point). At this point, science tells that you now have a 1 in 10,000 dilution. In other words, you would need to drink 10,000 cups of your homeopathic beer in order to get the same amount of alcohol as 1 cup of regular beer! In contrast, homeopathy tells us that each dilution has made the beer more potent. So one cup of homeopathic beer should have a far greater impact on you than one cup of regular beer, and you should get drunk extremely quickly on the homeopathic beer.

At this point, we have two competing hypotheses with competing predictions. Now, test the hypotheses by seeing which prediction comes true. Go get a group of your friends together and start drinking the homeopathic beer. If homeopathy has any truth to it at all, you should get drunk very easily, but if science is right, then you’re essentially just drinking water and you simply are not going to get drunk off the homeopathic beer.

This simple and safe demonstration clearly illustrates the absurdity of homeopathy. Diluting something does not make it stronger and water cannot remember the “essential essence” of anything. Therefore, homeopathy cannot possibly work.

Note: for this to be a truly scientifically valid experiment, you would need a negative control group (just water) and a positive control group (normal beer) as well as a complete randomization of study subjects, blinding procedures, and carefully controlled rates of intake, but in this case, homeopathy makes such a clear and outlandish prediction that you can be very confident in the result that it doesn’t work without setting up a rigorous experiment. It would however be best not to tell your friends that the fluid they are drinking contains some alcohol as people can trick themselves into thinking that they are drunk while drinking non-alcoholic beverages.

Disclaimer: unless you drink an absurd amount of water, there is now way that you can injure yourself with this experiment, but we live in an insane and sue-happy world. So I am not responsible if you somehow manage to contrive a way to injure yourself while doing this test.

Addendum: Some people on various online groups have been complaining that my test is invalid because I ignored the “like cures like” premise. In other words, they are arguing that if you consider being drunk to be an illness than alcohol should actually make you sober. In this case, however, that is an unnecessary complication. Everyone (including homeopaths) agree that alcohol makes people drunk. Therefore, if diluting something actually makes it stronger, and water actually has memory, then homeopathic beer should be very potent regardless of whether or not like cures like. In other words, I am focusing entirely on those two premises, and we should be able to test them without worrying about the like cures like premise. Further, that premise is particularly irrelevant in my example because I am not proposing a cure for anything (unless you consider sobriety to be a disease). Finally, this argument is actually a misunderstanding of homeopathy. Generally speaking, homeopaths try to cure a disease by giving you something that induces its symptoms, rather than giving you the disease itself. In other words, they would not use alcohol to cure being drunk, but they would (in concept at least) use it to treat someone who is acting drunk but is not actually intoxicated.


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3 Responses to Homeopathic beer: a simple test of homeopathy’s absurd claims

  1. Jake Boone says:

    As homeopathy does, in fact, rely on the “Like cures like” concept, I think you might also want to test using your homeopathic beer as a remedy for drunkenness. After all, if un-homeopathic alcohol makes you drunk, homeopathic alcohol should sober you right up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Avinash Jaunjale says:

    Well, you seem to have no knowledge about Homeopathy. Yes, it is based on the principle “Like cure likes” which has frequently been mentioned in the writings of medical men since the time of Hippocrates.
    Secondly, Higher potencies are just used in order to minimize the aggravations of the medicinal effects. I’m sure you can’t even think of swallowing Poison Oak or some other poisonous substance undiluted, which in diluted forms are causing miraculous cures.
    Thirdly, No true homeopathic philosopher has said “water has memory”. Moreover transfer of Nano-particles has been evident in higher potencies which was impossible to demonstrate some 200 years ago.
    It is very easy to ridicule something without knowing it, so I personally insist you to study the philosophy of Homeopathy from source books (not from frauds), to experiment on it, to ask specialist about it and even if it fails then you are good to ridicule it.


    • Fallacy Man says:

      First, I am fully aware that homeopathy relies on the concept that “like cures like” but that is irrelevant to the example that I am giving (also, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support that premise).

      Second, you have completely missed my point. Homeopathy claims that the more diluted a substance is, the more potent it is. This has been stated on every single homeopathic explanation I have ever read (and yes, I have spent quite a bit of time reading the ramblings of homeopaths). This is, however, the complete opposite of how dilutions actually work. Things become weaker as they become more diluted. If things actually became more potent as they were diluted, then my homeopathic beer would make you very drunk. There is no way around that. This example completely defeated homeopathy.

      Third, regarding poison oak, if you can show me properly controlled, peer-reviewed studies with large sample sizes that showed that highly diluted poison oak has medicinal value, I will recant everything. Until then, you cannot claim that it has been shown to cure anything.

      Regarding water memory, again, this has been on every single homeopathic thing I have ever read. I would show you them, but inevitably you will just say, “well those aren’t true homeopaths” (this is a logical fallacy known as “no true Scotsman”). Further, if you don’t think that water has memory, then you have an even more serious problem than most homeopaths. Homeopathic solutions are so diluted that there is literally no active ingredient left. Do the math, by the time you get a highly diluted solution, you have 0 molecules of the active ingredient left. In other words, its just water. So homeopaths invented the idea that water has memory to solve this problem (a logical fallacy known as “ad hoc”). So if you reject that premise (as you should) then my question is, how can something that is so diluted that it is literally just water possibly have any medical benefit? This is the fundamental reason why homeopathy makes no sense, its just water!

      Regarding non-particles, I’m not sure what you are trying to say. So you’ll have to be more specific before I can debunk it.


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